
Let’s Focus

Sorry, I’ve been MIA. I'm realizing that it’s hard to stick to one thing unless there’s a strict deadline. I’ve also concluded that it can be difficult to focus on what you have to do when there is so much going on around you. Being in college has been a real test because I have work to get done but I also want to maintain a social life; there is limited time and endless stuff to get done. Even staying organized, I find myself always overwhelmed. Over these last few months, I’ve noticed just how important it is to define your priorities. As humans, we can’t focus on too many jobs, people, activities, etc. at once, as focusing on an...

Sorry, I’ve been MIA. I'm rea...

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Ease into working out

Here's a beginner workout split that doesn't require a lot of machinery or equipment. You can customize the weight. Key: Superset: basically means to rotate between the two workouts 3 sets of 12 means do the exercise 12 times in a row for 3 sets Equipment: and   ALWAYS START WITH 10 MIN CARDIO PULL (back and bis) Lat pull downs- 4 sets of 12 (30-45lb range) Superset: Bicep curls and hammer curls- 3 sets of 12 (8-10lbs) First pic is bicep, second hammer Face pulls 4 sets of 12 (10-20lbs) Remember elbows up Assisted pull-ups- 3 sets of 4 (55-75lbs) LEGS (quads) Superset: Sumo squats with weight (20-25lbs)  and without weight  (4 sets of 15) for the set w/o weight, u can pulse  Calf raises 4 sets of 15 (50-60lbs) Use the machine if...

Here's a beginner workout spl...

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Feeling Guilty?

Guilt. A common emotion. What can guilt make you do? Guilt can make you overstep your own boundaries because you “feel bad.” Guilt can stop you from saying no. Guilt can linger in your thoughts and cloud the present moment. I think guilt is such a normal feeling and it can be hard to subside. People can make you feel guilty or you can evoke the emotion yourself. Sometimes I think that guilt holds me back more than fear. Guilt is common in so many outlets of life. People may feel guilty about what they eat, the way they spend money, what they do, and what they don’t do. I honestly don't know if there is a way to get...

Guilt. A common emotion. What...

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Interviewing 101- Speaking with Confidence

Confidence is a collection of things. It's about the way you present yourself, your demeanor, gestures, movements, eye contact, and more. But we often forget about the importance of confidence in what you say and how you say it. While confidence can quickly appear strong based on someone's appearance, it can just as easily vanish if one speaks without it. I've learned this firsthand in my work as a sales representative at The Selling Factory. When you're calling someone on the phone, you only have a few seconds to capture their attention. That means all of your confidence is reliant on the way you communicate. Over the phone, I'm reliant on my voice to sell a product. This has taught...

Confidence is a collection of...

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Mind-muscle connection 

Working out really does require a lot of energy. But not only physically. Today I want to break down the idea of mind-muscle connection during workouts. The concept of mind-muscle connection involves actively focusing on a specific muscle group in order to improve workout performance. I want to share my experience and personal insight on this technique while also showcasing a factual approach to this idea by providing past reports on the credibility of this claim.  After looking at a collection of articles, it seems pretty promising that there is truth behind this mind-muscle connection claim. A study published in the National Library of Medicine found that participants who focused on working out a specific muscle were able to increase the...

Working out really does requi...

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Range: A new perspective

I am currently reading the book Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein. The book argues that having a broad range of knowledge and skills is more valuable than deep specialization in one area. This is because generalists are better able to think conceptually and solve problems in new and unexpected ways. I find this argument to be particularly relevant to my own situation, as I am about to enter my sophomore year of college. In college, students are often encouraged to specialize in one particular area of study; however, I believe that it is important to maintain a broad range of interests and knowledge. Especially as the world is becoming increasingly complex, we need to possess...

I am currently reading the bo...

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Is Bard Better?

What is Bard? If you don’t know by now you better keep reading. Well, according to Bard, it’s a “large language model (LLM) from Google AI, trained on a massive dataset of text and code [that] can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.” To put it simply, Bard is an AI program from Google that can answer most questions asked by the user through searching the internet. Bard has gained massive popularity, especially for younger generations who are using it for educational purposes. One of my concerns with Bard is the credibility of the information; it searches the internet to create an answer or explanation and then feeds...

What is Bard? If you don’t kn...

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No Solution

I am at peace. There is no heavyweight holding me down or worries spinning in my head. I’m not saying I have no problems. I’m simply saying that they do not consume me. Freedom is not eradicating “the bad,” but the ability to control how you respond to it. Problems are inevitable. We all have something to complain about or something new that worries us. Even during calmness, we find a way to create our own problems. When I used to encounter a problem, my immediate response was finding a solution. I thought that not finding a solution to problems made them linger, but it’s really denying problems that make them last. In other words, you can acknowledge a problem...

I am at peace. There is no he...

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It isn’t what it is

The best things that have ever happened to me, I didn’t even want in the first place. I’ve realized that it can be difficult to truly know what is “right” for us. Because of this confusion, we may accidentally force the wrong things or people into our lives, causing us to consume so much energy and time until we are drained.  Life will create many obstacles intended to warn us against what isn't meant for us, but unfortunately, this chase can create an obsession to obtain what we can’t have. And, if we finally do get the "things" we weren’t supposed to, we feel unsatisfied because it was never for us. Sometimes getting what we want makes us realize we never really...

The best things that have eve...

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Talking about speaking

I’ve talked about public speaking on this website before and I truly feel that it is a skill that puts you ahead of the game because it gives you power and confidence. Learning how to communicate with one person versus an audience is a big change in comfort. Ultimately, public speaking is important. But I bet you already knew that. We take multiple public speaking classes in college, give presentations at work, or perform in front of crowds. But while public speaking is such a valuable skill, I feel like communication on a smaller scale is overlooked. We try to focus on learning how to speak to a large group of people, yet struggle talking to one person. People don't...

I’ve talked about public spea...

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